readability checker

Text Readability Checker

Readability Scores

Top 10 Keywords

Text Statistics

Improve Your Writing with Free Readability Checker

Want your writing to be clearer and easier to read? Our free readability checker tool helps you achieve that. It’s perfect for making sure your content is engaging and understandable.

What Our Readability Checker Does

  • Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease: Shows how easy your text is to read. Higher scores mean easier readability.
  • Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: Indicates the US school grade level needed to understand your text.
  • Gunning Fog Index: Estimates the years of education needed to understand your text on the first try.
  • SMOG Index: Measures readability based on the number of complex words in your text.
  • Coleman-Liau Index: Provides a grade level based on character counts, sentence length, and word length.
  • Automated Readability Index: Estimates the age needed to understand your text by looking at sentence and word length.

Check Keyword Density

See the top 10 keywords in your text and their frequency with a simple bar chart. This helps you optimize for search engines while keeping your content readable.

Get Detailed Text Stats

Our tool also gives you key text stats:

  • Word Count: Total number of words.
  • Sentence Count: Number of sentences.
  • Paragraph Count: Number of paragraphs.
  • Average Sentence Length: Average length of sentences.
  • Average Word Length: Average length of words.
  • Complex Words Count: Number of complex words.
  • Syllable Count: Total number of syllables.

Why Use It?

The readability checker helps you make your writing clear and effective. Use it to ensure your content is easy to read and engaging. Try it out today and see how it can improve your writing!